Ping.Fm Your Ultimate Social Network Status Updater!
The internet is truly amazing. With so many social networks popping up regularly and taking the virtual world by storm, you currently have social networks for many different categories branching into many tiny niches. Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Multiply, Friendster, WAYN, Tripadvisor, Hi5, Tagged...etc you name it, the internet has it! There are too many to list here. Most people should not have problem with updating their network, that is if they only have one or a few social network accounts. However, the main problem comes when you have too many. Besides having so many passwords to remember, you need a lot of time and energy to update every single one of them and also to network with other people. Not to mention the confusion caused when logging in and updating every single detail.
In my previous post on "Do You Twitter?", i mentioned and introduced this handy tool for updating your status. Continue reading "Ping.Fm Your Ultimate Social Network Status Updater!"